Friday, May 23, 2008

me and my sister

Lydia changes every day. Seriously. It's amazing to watch. Her *best* new trick is saying, "ma ma".... yep, that's right! Even though her first babbles were "bababababa" and "dadadada" her first word is most definitely "ma ma". And she's not afraid to use it!

Her second word?? "na na", meaning Julianna. Lydia delights in her big sister. And it brings me so much joy to see them together. Of course, they have their tougher moments. Like the other day I left them alone in the living room... and rushed back a few moments later, when Lydia started wailing.

"What happened?" I asked Julianna.

"She fell down" was the answer.

"How did she fall?"

"I pushed her with my feet."

Well, at least she's honest.

Lydia has also started waving bye-bye and raising her arms above her head in response to the question "how big is Lydia?"

So, tonight at dinner Julianna is chattering away about eating her chicken and how it will make her "soooo big" and "soooo strong". Julianna interrupted her own discourse saying, "oh look at Lydia"... sure enough, as Lydia heard the "soooo big" she raised her own mushed-up-broccoli smeared arms high over her head and grinned from ear to ear. It's like you could read her mind: "yep, I know this game", she was thinking.

I love Lydia's smile in this picture. They are both getting sooooo big sooooo fast.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh are they the cutest thing ever or what!!! Look at Julianna growing all that hair now. Crazy!
Love Julie

PS HAppy Birthday!

Kristi said...

They both are SO adorable, Laura!! Great picture!

Oh how I pray for my kids' relationships with each other. Friends may come and go, but they will always get to have each other!!!

Isn't it fun to watch these relationships and love form? :-) is your birthday, huh? Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Patt said...

Loved getting to talk with you this morning on your birthday! The girls do look adorable in their matching dresses! What great smiles! Love, Mom/Grandmama

Jaci said...

Luara- your girls are absolutely precious...and I truly do wish y'all could come on over and hang out with us!

And again---Happy Birthday! It is Saturday there now isn't it??

Graham said...

So cute. Your stories always make me laugh.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Laura!
Your girls are precious!