Tuesday, September 14, 2010

waiting in Charlotte

Isaac and I arrived in Charlotte late last night.  Isaac was delighted to be my only companion and it's fun to have some good one on one time with him. 

On our second flight there was an empty seat next to me and he loved sitting in it - he wanted to get all situated, buckle his belt, and read the SkyMall magazine.  It was really cute for the three minutes that it lasted.  Then he started pulling at the seat belt saying "out out out".  But every fifteen minutes or so he would return to the seat and ask "buckle buckle" until I fastened him in again (for another three minute stint in the seat). 

In between brief moments sitting in the extra seat Isaac was a busy boy.  His activities?  Stand in mom's lap, smile at passengers in row behind us, down to the floor, pull things out of the seat back pocket, back to mom's lap for a brief glance out the window, play with the tray table, read a few books, throw his books on the floor, eat some pretzels, stand in the empty seat, play with our neighboring passenger's newspaper, stand in my lap again to check out the row behind, squirm down to the floor again, look for more pretzels, brief moment when his interest is captivated by the drink cart, etc. 

No other passenger burned more calories than he did.  But he was happy and mostly content, so I can't complain.

Our morning visit with Grandmother was wonderful.  It was so good to see her!  And also to have extra time visiting with both of my parents, and some aunts and uncles too :) 

The adoption news? WAITING!  You think we'd be better at it by now :)

It really should be any minute (or day? or hour? but hopefully not week!) until we have some definite confirmation!  Stay tuned :) 


Julie Redfern said...

Glad you get some extra visiting time with your parents, but sorry it had to be with your grandmother in the hospital. Enjoy the time with Isaac. Love Julie

Chris, Leah, Austin, Bennett and Lucy said...

boy can I relate to that kind of flight. Bennett is not still for a minute. Hey- i am anxiously checking email and the blog for adoption updates...praying with you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful you and Issac were able to visit with you Grandmother & all others this week!
I pray Issac sleeps a bit on your return flight or is at least as content with the same air activities. Love BN

Sonya said...

Laura--I'm praying for you and dying to know what is going on with the adoption! Don't forget to update us! :)