Sunday, September 12, 2010

never a dull moment

Where to start?

We've got L-O-T-S swirling around on the adoption front and are hopeful that all the details will settle and we'll have some big news to announce in the next few days :)  That's all I can say for now... but please pray for wisdom, clarity, peace for us. 

Yesterday we enjoyed a big 'ole family gathering and had loads of fun catching up with aunts, uncles, cousins and 2nd cousins.  (Notice that in a group this size Lydia is the only one not looking at the camera.... photographing that child is a challenge!)

This afternoon we decided to enjoy the balmy temperatures (have I mentioned that September rolled in with lots of chilly weather around here?) and head out to a local state park for a little hiking and picnic supper.  I have lots of great photos that I will put up in a separate post. 

Tomorrow (Monday) afternoon Isaac and I head to the airport for a quick trip to see my Grandmother, who is in the hospital.  It'll be Isaac's first trip to North Carolina :)  Isaac is a free companion since he still qualifies as a "lap infant" (major misnomer as he is most certainly not an infant and the 'lap' size is questionable!)  He's coming along to meet my Grandmother for the first time...  

Free companion is of course relative in this sense.  Financially, he's a no cost passenger.  In terms of sheer exhaustion on my part, it's anything but free :)  I'm bringing along his favorite titles: The Dumptruck, The Concrete Mixer and The Bulldozer. The little man has incredible tolerance for listening to those books.  Over.  And over.  And over again. 

We can't wait to visit Grandmother, and spend some time with my mom and dad as well.

I hope to pop back in and update tomorrow if we get final adoption details settled ...


Marianne B Dean said...

Praying for you and the adoption stuff. Excited to hear the news when there is some!

Mom/Grandmama said...

What a wonderful large family! I know your children enjoyed all the cousins, the running around, etc. And Isaac is all "little man"! Love you!

Julie Redfern said...

Lydia reminds me of Will. It is almost impossible to get a picture of him looking at the camera! Sorry to hear about your grandmother and I hope the trip to NC goes well for you. Love Julie