Sunday, September 12, 2010

hiking for five

Matt loves the woods and the God who made them.  So do I.  And we want to teach our kids to love them too.  Hopefully it starts with a day like today :)

Isaac had a blast.  We all did.  With all the adoption-related phone calls and emails and intense conversations these past two days, it was pure joy to be out in the world loving God's creation. 

I'm not sure I will ever get used to this huge expanse of blue horizon.  The state park runs along a river valley.... it's home to the few hills and valleys in the area.  But even in the wooded valleys this big sky is waiting at the top of the hill. 

Raising our hands in victory at the end of the loop - we made it! 

We drove home with a van full of tired kiddos and hearts full of adoption anticipation.  What a sweet way to spend a Sunday afternoon. 

This, afternoons like this, I miss this when we are in Asia. 


Mom/Grandmama said...

What fun - the kids look like they are really enjoying their hiking adventure. Love that big sky photo of Lydia on the trail. And the hands up in victory too.

Julie Redfern said...

We love being outside enjoying God's creation as much as possible too! Our house in Maryland had great trails within walking distance that we used ALL the time. Enjoy while the weather is good. Love Julie

Jaci said...

SOOOO cute. And so beautiful!!!