Thursday, September 16, 2010

his story meets our story... the first chapter

[I wrote most of this a few days ago and it's been sitting, waiting, for the right moment to post it... and it's finally here!]

Friday September 9th I took a phone call from our local social worker who completed our home study addendum.  Finally, finally.... it was finished!  (Weeks after we thought it would be, thanks to my inept fingerprints.)  As we were getting off the phone she casually said, "so, if you were to get a phone call about a baby tonight, you're ready."

That evening Matt was out late and I was on the phone with a dear friend.  After hanging up the phone I opened my computer to check email one last time (knowing that my mom had sent some info about my Grandmother) and there was a one line email from our adoption consultant.  "Call me if you're still up."

I grabbed the phone and started dialing.  The news is that there's a birth mom (Caucasian), in Kansas, with a baby boy due October 15th, she wants the agency to chose a family on her behalf.  Are we interested?   YES!  We're interested! 

Matt and I talked and gathered some additional information and talked and prayed and talked and then, finally, tried to go to sleep.

The next morning (Saturday) I was awake early and my mind was spinning 100 miles a minute.  Matt took Isaac and went over to his parents to help get ready for the big family gathering.  I sat the girls down in the hallway:  "We're getting closer to getting our new baby.  Mommy has a lot of very important phone calls to make this morning and it's going to be a little crazy.  Can you try very hard to help our new baby and let Mommy talk on the telephone?" 

And I started making phone calls.  I called another adoptive mom who has adopted children with similar background and history to the little boy we hope to bring home.  I called our consultant.  Our local social worker.  The Kansas social worker.

By Saturday night we had most of the information we needed.  One big legal sticking point was unanswered, and we had one other significant concern.  In a sweet break from the emotional and mental hubbub of the previous 24 hours we sit on the sofa and talk about naming this little guy.  The first name we've tossed around for the past six months doesn't seem like a good fit.  Within about fifteen minutes we land on another one, a name we've never considered before (keeping the middle name we've had since the beginning) and it's settled. 

Sunday, day three.  We're both feeling more confident that this is our little guy.  I pull down the baby boy clothes I brought home from China and plop them on our bed.  That afternoon we receive a super encouraging phone call regarding the legal issue - its settled.  And again that evening, more big phone calls.  Slowly, surely, the Lord is answering prayers for clarity and wisdom and direction.  Matt and I write a letter to the birth mom - she has indicated that she wants a totally closed adoption (meaning no contact between birth mother and adoptive family) but we are hopeful she will read it.

And we begin a week of waiting.
We wait Monday.
And Tuesday.
And Wednesday.
And Thursday.

And then Thursday afternoon we get the phone call.  The birth mom read the letter and responded.  The social worker reads us her letter over the phone.  Matt and I are confident.  We tell the social worker we are ready to move forward, we sign a contract of intent to adopt this baby boy, rush to get the appropriate documentation sent to the Kansas agency and wire a payment to the adoption agency!!!

OHMYGOODNESS!  This is our little guy!  Due October 15th, but probably arriving earlier than that :)  My mommy-brain is busy making lists of all the things I need to do between now and when we leave for Kansas.  We hope to meet our baby boy before he even leaves the hospital!

Please keep praying!  Nothing is ever guaranteed.... not only in adoption, but in life.  So we trust in the Lord, walking forward, hoping and praying.


Leslie said...

and now you can really nest and buy those newborn diapers!!! We are thrilled and can't wait to see the little guy.

Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

Agreed with Leslie - great news - will continue to pray for all of you!

Julie Redfern said...

Wow! So exciting! Can't wait to hear more about him and the name you guys have chosen. Are the girls excited? Lots of prayers for your family and the new little one. Love Julie

Anonymous said...

I am so excited and happy for you to add another member of your family. Can't wait to meet him one day!


Marianne B Dean said...

Thrilled! I will be praying for a safe delivery for both mom and baby, for everything to go smoothly both legally and emotionally for everyone involved, and for our great God to receive all the glory!

Mom/Grandmama said...

One day, "your little guy" will read your post and your families' and friends' comments and know how much he was on our hearts and in our prayers. He is still in his birth mother's womb, but he is already surrounded by the love and prayers of the wonderful family he is about to join. We already love "your little guy"!

Emmarie said...

I got so excited when I read the title of your post. Just from reading your blog I am emotionally vested :) Praying for your family, so excited for all the Lord is orchestrating. Isn't he amazing!?!

Krisanne said...

SOOO excited about this little guy! Yay!!! We continue to pray for all of the details and things yet to come, and also pray that maybe, just maybe, we might get to meet him before we leave for Indo. If not, we'll meet him in Asia... :)

Rob and Carrie said...

What exciting news! Won't be long now!

Sonya said...

LAURA!!!! I'm screaming on the inside!! I'm so excited for y'all and will be praying very specifically for all the unknowns. We love y'all and are thrilled for your family. We will also be praying for his perfect delivery into the world.

Chris, Leah, Austin, Bennett and Lucy said...

Yeah! I am so glad it is moving forward and will be praying about so many of the details and hearts and health...thinking about you guys. Would love to talk but NO PRESSURE since I am guessing things might be crazy for the next...who knows. Love you!

Jill K said...

Oh guys.... how incredible. My heart is spilling down my face to think of the greatness of all this, the weight and beauty and eternal grace toward you and towards this baby boy- this future man- towards his birth mom (oh what words must have been in your letter to her!?).... towards your first three, towards all who will ever see and engage with your family of six. Oh praise be to the Giver of Life who has adopted us dead orphans and who is demonstrating his grace in and through and for you.
We are rejoicing. Praying.
Thank you for writing, posting this whole story.... we look forward to more!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Blessings upon answers! Our Lord is truly a very BIG GOD! Thank you for your sharing hearts not only your family's story with us all but in sharing your love for God's little ones. Blessings upon blessings.
In our prayers, Love Bev

Jaci said...

with tears in my eyes, I am rejoicing with you!!! I will keep praying!!!!!

JJ said...

How incredible. The Lord is good. Congratulations to be adding to your dear family! Can't wait to see his little face :)

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!! How good He is to those that are patient and faithful!! We can't wait to hear more and more of your details!! We will be praising God for your new little guy!! Jennifer Fleischer

Kelly said...

Laura, we are so excited for yall! This is a process that Brian and I hope to go through one day so it is great to read your journey! I didn't know you were so close to Fargo!! What city are you staying in? We used to live in Moorhead so my mom and I went up to that area last week to visit. This week we had Summer (Ellis) Nunn and her husband come to visit so it was a great reunion. Blessings to you all!