Saturday, September 18, 2010

the potato bowl parade

If you've never heard of the Potato Bowl Parade.... well, I know where you are NOT from.  It was a sweet way to spend a morning - one continuous stream of entertainment for the whole family.

It is officially no longer warm here - weather forecasters predicted the first frost last night, but it turned out to be a beautiful day and at our sunshine-drenched roadside perch we were toasty warm (in our layers of clothing!)

Back in the day Matt marched in the Potato Bowl parade with his high school marching band.  The marching bands with all their drums and baton twirlers and flag girls were super fun to watch. 

But the best part (at least in the kids' minds) was the candy.  It seemed every other float or car or tractor or election campaign representatives or what-have-you had some volunteers walking alongside and tossing candy to the crowds. 

I really think we could do a parade one Saturday a month.... it was just a great way to spend a morning.  There were gymnasts, roller bladers, dancers, horses, motorcycles, balloons, athletes, mascots... and one very happy family of five-soon-to-be-six! 



Chris, Leah, Austin, Bennett and Lucy said...

I can't believe how many layers you all were was in the 90's here last week (though the weekend was cooler and I finally got to wear jeans). Hope to talk soon!

Mom/Grandmama said...

What fun! We're looking forward to going to the Christmas parade with you here! Love to all!!

Gina Marie said...

This reminded me of the last time we were in the States for the summer and took our kids to the Rochesterfest parade. They thought we were crazy when we said, "Ok, kids, stand out in the street where there are moving vehicles, wave to get the attention of strangers, then take candy from them." Everything we have taught them is wrong, rolled up together. :)

Rob and Carrie said...

How fun! One of my favorite memories of growing up in GF. Love your family photos on the sidebar!