Friday, September 3, 2010

no people bigger

Truth of the matter is, I am not having a very good week.  My heart and my head are tired of the battles of this world.  I long for eternity. 

Right now only small pieces of me can celebrate Jesus, who promises rest for the weary, comfort for the broken hearted, pain-free everlasting life.  But I wake up each morning, keep pressing on, walking through each day trying to trust the only One who is worthy. 

And I find myself again grateful for my children.  Who bring me joy in the midst of despair.  And also bring incredible amounts of mess to both my heart and my home.

This week God is using them to bring joy and life and laughter and cuddles and plain old craziness.  Yesterday morning I overheard this little conversation from the back row of our van. 

voice #1: There are no people in the world bigger than Mommy.... (long pause).... except Jesus.

voice #2: And also Daddy. 

voice #1:  Yeah, and Daddy.  He is bigger than Mommy. 

I smiled.  Big.  I'm not sure I've ever thought being declared "the biggest person in the world" [apart from Jesus and Matt] would be a compliment.  But in this case I am most definitely sure that it is. 


Paul said...

Aren't we so so very thankful for those little ones -- and the messages they bring and represent.


Jaci said...

LOVE that and I LOVE the pictures that Stacey took of your family!!!! WOWzers there are some good ones!! :-)

Still praying that one day we might end up in the same part of the world!

Susan said...

It's such a blessing to have them around. I pray for your heart. Miss you so much, Laura.

Julie Redfern said...

Overheard conversations like that are always the BEST. Love Julie

Rob and Carrie said...

That is very sweet! Thanks for the comment on our blog, by the way. Sounds like you've had similar issues with your kiddos? The nurse did show us how to "fix" Mack's elbow this time, but hopefully it won't happen again! Wish we could see you while you're up north!