Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I wouldn't say I am a big "nester".... I've never pre-washed and laid out baby's clothes, I pack for the hospital when labor starts, I dig out the clothes I need when I need them.  Matt set up the pack n play that was Isaac's first bed the night after he was born!

Partly this might be because I have never been living at home when our babies arrived (which I hate, but that is reality for us, so it's just the way things are).  This time around is no different, except that I will only be gone from home for about a week. (We were away from home for a month for both Julianna and Isaac's births, two months when Lydia was born).

Maybe that's why I spent two hours last night cleaning this house from top to bottom.  The kids were in bed, Matt was working in his office, and I was having a great time cleaning every single inch of our home.  Incidentally, I also realized that despite all my griping about living in small spaces, I have to say that those small spaces come in handy when it's time to clean!  It takes a whole lot longer to clean when you've got more space to cover.

I scrubbed the shower and wondered about the space vs. cleaning time conundrum "Would I trade one closet for an extra twenty minutes of cleaning a week?  What about for thirty minutes?  What if I got a closet and a pantry and a back porch in exchange for an extra hour of cleaning each week?"

I never did make up my mind. 

So now, for a few short hours, you can walk barefoot across our floors and not break your stride to wipe crumbs from the sole of your foot.

Of course,  our new baby will not be walking, and will not be barefoot, so I don't think it's going to make much of an impression.  But, for the record, the house was (mostly) clean when he arrived :)

1 comment:

Mom/Grandmama said...

Lots of satisfaction, however brief, from having a clean house! Sounds like nesting to me! Love you, Mom