Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sunday afternoon photos

We had a fun afternoon playing together as a family this past Sunday. Julianna calls these her "silly glasses".

Of course, Lydia had to have a turn too.

A big yawn from Lydia... (it's still pretty chilly in the apartment, and Lydia had just woken up from a nap, dressed in her winter outdoor gear)

Looking up at her daddy

Julianna loves to kiss Lydia

We love watching the two girls play together. Julianna already understands her role of "bossy big sister" quite well. "No Lydia, don't touch that!", she says. Julianna also has helpful comments like, "Ju-nanna can walk downstairs by self. Lydia can't walk down stairs by self. She's too little." I'm sure Lydia will appreciate these more and more as she gets older :)


Patt said...

What sweet photos - I just smiled and smiled - and I'm sure I'll view them many more times! Can't get enough of those photos. You have two very sweet little girls! Love, Mom/Grandmama

Paul said...

my goodness - my goodness

what a perfectly named blog you have

love GrandDad
(of course I may have a bias)

Jaci said...

Too Cute!:-)

I like the silly glasses...csn you imagine the dynamic that 2 older brothers add to these little girl moments?? Let me assure you, they are probably much LOUDER over here. Lizzy is such a girl in her likes and dislikes, but with 2 older brothers, she often sounds and makes noises like my boys!

Your girls are precious...isn't it SO fun that they have each other?

We pray for you all often!