Sunday, March 2, 2008

where is it my elbow?

When Julianna asks a "where?" question she usually phrases it, "where is it ______ (insert noun of choice)?" Today, she was asking, "where is it my elbow?" Unfortunately, the circumstances weren't too fun. Last night (Saturday) she dislocated her elbow. We now realize this is actually the second time it has happened - the first was in the Bangkok airport last month, and it popped back into place on its own. Anyways, it hurts a lot when it happens, but then the pain subsides.. she just refuses to use that arm.

She's a bit of a drama queen with things like this, and wasn't complaining too much about it, so she went to bed and Matt and I decided we'd wait and see if she kept complaining in the morning. Sure enough, this morning when she woke up she winced if you touched her arm.

There are two western pediatricians in town (they work at the same "practice" where I see a general practitioner when I am pregnant). They are here to work with the local indigent population, but also see western families. Both of them go to the international church and we consider them family friends. So, this morning we called Dr. John (as Julianna refers to him) and described the situation. He said, "sounds like a dislocated elbow... I"ll fix it at church this morning" And he did, no problem. Julianna fussed a bit, but was brave, and as soon as it was over, she calmed down and headed to Sunday school.

Since it has happened twice in the past month, Dr. John told us it might happen again, so he taught us how to pop it back in place. Yeah, right. I'm not sure I'm up for that! But, Matt listened attentively :)

Matt and I are looking forward to a quiet evening around here - life has been quite full recently. The good news is that the potential trip for this upcoming week has been moved to the end of the month, so no travel ahead :)


Paul said...

"Drama Quesn", now I know where that came from and that would be ME.
Julianna, you make 'em treat you right! Let them know -- And we will surely pray that all will be well.

love GrandDad

Jaci said...

WOW! Yeah, I can't say that I would love to be the one to "pop" anything back in place! thank goodness for the men in our lives huh??

I am glad it was such an easy fix!! Way to be brave Julianna!:-)