The day after Thanksgiving we bought our Christmas tree. Every year Matt is wonderfully willing to shelve his sense of reason and cater to my crazy desire that we have a REAL tree.
Keep in mind that the nearest frasier fir is in the parking lot of the Food Lion two miles from my parents' home.
Adventures were plentiful and fir trees were few. But we had fun.
Here's a sneak preview....
It's a big one :)
Your tree looks enormous! I know Matt enjoyed hoisting the girls to hang the high ornaments! I'm bringing some late ornaments to add to the collection! Loving you all!
I hope Julianna loves those striped pants as much as Caroline did. I was with Julie, Justin, and Caroline when she first saw them and asked for them. J & J, being good parents who don't give their kids everything they ask for said no. When I got back to Chicago, I bought them and sent them to her. J & J don't give her everything she wants... but her aunt sure tries. I love all your decorations.
Your tree looks enormous! I know Matt enjoyed hoisting the girls to hang the high ornaments! I'm bringing some late ornaments to add to the collection! Loving you all!
That tree is huge!! Can't wait to hear the story on how you got it in your apartment! Love Julie
I hope Julianna loves those striped pants as much as Caroline did. I was with Julie, Justin, and Caroline when she first saw them and asked for them. J & J, being good parents who don't give their kids everything they ask for said no. When I got back to Chicago, I bought them and sent them to her. J & J don't give her everything she wants... but her aunt sure tries. I love all your decorations.
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