Saturday, October 10, 2009

where the wildflowers grow

Our whole family went on a little adventure this morning. We ended up on the campus where Matt works and played beside this beautiful patch of wild flowers.

October is one of my favorite months here. The weather is usually cool and crisp. We live at high elevation, so the sunshine can be really intense, but in October there is enough cool breeze to make nearly every day a perfect jeans-and-short-sleeves type of day.

This afternoon we are going on a "group date" with our neighbors (Andy, Erin Ashley, Emma Grace and Jack). Some single friends of ours planned to do a group date so our two families are doing a group date of our own. We total 9 people - 4 of us are married and the other 5 are much too young to date - so it's not your typical group date, but it will be a LOT of fun I'm sure.

It's a picnic in our apartment complex, and Erin Ashley and I planned the menu. The headliners are NC style BBQ and hush puppies! yum.


Krisanne said...

Hope your date is fun! Sounds like it! And those flowers are beautiful! And, YES, we can definitely go to Amigos when you come - we actually both thought of that and agree it'd be fun and delicious! :)

Mom/Grandmama said...

Oh, I know you're enjoying all the extra time with BaBa. What a beautiful photo of mother and children - my new desktop! Hope you're enjoying your date - or did enjoy it - you should be home and the childen in bed by now! Love you bunches!!

Julie Redfern said...

Lydia looks so much like you!! Great picture of the 4 of you. Love Julie