Tuesday, May 22, 2012

on two wheels

I'm learning, more and more, to just look straight at my children and celebrate THEM.  All too often I am tempted to compare (and let's be honest, compare not just my children, but myself, my home as well).  And then, based on these comparisons, I assess value.

My home is smaller (not good), cleaner (good).  I work harder (good), I get less sleep (not good).  I have more _____ (good), I have less _____ (not good).  My kids do this (good), my kids do that (not good). 

It's so ridiculous and so sin-filled.  Such a faulty, self-driven way of assessing value.  What I really want to do is assess value like Jesus does.  I want to look at the heart - mine, my children's.  I want to know, as my wise father-in-law would say "where does the energy for that come from?"  What drives my heart to see the world through these "comparison" eyes? 

The moments when I am really able to celebrate and enjoy my children's accomplishments, just pure celebration and joy - you know, I'm sad to confess that they are fewer than you might think. 

But this new bike rider girl - this was (gladly) one of those moments!  She's a lot like me, my Julianna.  She hesitates to take big risks, she likes graduated risks :)  She so badly wanted to ride on two wheels, but it was too risky for her.  So she asked her Daddy to move her training wheels up one notch.  And then another notch.  And then another.  Until her training wheels were perched in the air, high on the sides of her rear wheel.  Then she perfected starting and stopping without relying on her training wheels. 

And then she was ready.  Off came the training wheels and off she went, Matt at her side (you know, graduated riskiness - just in case all her previous prep work had been inadequate.)

She surprised only herself when she biked the length of our central courtyard, on her own, on her first try. 

In the next half hour she worked on turning, and bumpy ground, and a few other anomalies. 

And now she rides on two wheels :)

And I am thrilled for her.  Not because she did it earlier, or later, or better, or faster, or easier.  But just because she did it! 


Paul said...

Julianna, lets ride together, you and me
love Granddaddy

Grandma Jan said...

Love the post , Laura. And to think I had the privilege of being there when Julianna learned to ride bike on 2 wheels. So happy for you sweet Julianna. Thanks for sharing from you heart, Laura. Love you. Jan

Leslie said...

Yea Julianna!! And, thank you for the reminder to celebrate my kids for who they are. It is SO easy to fall into the trap of comparison...between them and with other families. But, God has created each to be unique...with special gifts...to fulfill the individual purposes He has for them.

Mom/Grandmama said...

Congratulations, Julianna! You look great on two wheels! Comparison is a human fault we all struggle with - thanks for sharing your own struggles. I think as we get older we compare less but compare we still do. Mostly I am filled with awe and thankfulnees for the many blessings we have - some of which I was not fully aware of or appreciated until later. Now I try to live more in and treasure each and everyday - the wisdom of age? Looking forward to hugs, kisses, and bike riding soon!

Jaci said...

YAY!!! :-)

Julie Redfern said...

Go Julianna!! I agree with your mom, it is so hard not to compare. It is something I struggle with too!

kkvernen said...

Yeah Julianna! Way to go!

Andy and Sheryl said...

Woohoo! There's no stopping her now :) Way to go!