Tuesday, November 15, 2011

rock hard mountains

We are home.  And the trip was really hard.  Really REALLY hard.

But we are back now.  And tomorrow is a new day :)

In keeping with his character Matt was Rock Steady through the high points (few) and the low points (many).

And we did take a few pictures at the end of today (once I realized survival was well within reach and felt capable of pulling out the camera to capture a moment or two!)

If Isaac looks a tad heftier than normal it's all the clothes he's wearing - two pairs of pants, two long sleeved shirts, three jackets.  Did I mention that it was chilly? 

My amigos three.  The stories these precious ones will be able to tell about "the time that Mommy and Daddy took us to ________" will fill at least one very interesting book - and this particular trip, this particular chapter will be easier for them to tell than it was for me to live! 


JBC said...

My goodness! Did everyone go mountain climbing! You all are very brave :). Hugs and kisses to the family!

Mom/Grandmama said...

exThose crooked steps look challenging - from the dirty knees looks like Isaac took a couple of tumbles? Lovely scenery. Look forward to skyping and catching up on camera soon. Love to you all!!

Paul said...

looking forward to the "rest of the story"
love Dad