Sunday, November 27, 2011

quick recap - the rest of the weekend

I knew Friday would be a long day with Matt gone til way late and the kids in post-holiday let down so I planned a little dinner outing with side entertainment: buying Christmas wrapping paper and some candles to create an advent wreath for the kitchen table.  

Which was a great plan, if only 7 tri-zillion other people hadn't been out shopping with us :)  No Black Friday here, but it's just a crowded country and I guess I'm not often out on a Friday night so I don't get to experience the madness.  We braved the crowds, had a lot of fun, and many of our fellow shoppers left with a photo of my kids on their cell phone.  Yep, we are the victims of a lot of impromptu photo shoots and the kids rarely miss a step, just keep right on playing despite the flashing cameras :)  For the most part they totally ignore the photo-takers, and only get annoyed when someone gets right up in their face.  Which is when their momma starts to get annoyed too :)

Saturday the kids and I started pulling out some of the Christmas decor and then Sunday afternoon Matt fearlessly lead us on our Christmas tree buying expedition. 

Each year we attempt to buy a real live Christmas tree in a country that does not sell real live Christmas trees.  We just like to have fun that way :) 

And every year my standard of what might qualify as our family's tree drops dramatically.  This year my basic qualifications were: something green and remotely triangular-shaped with enough branches to hang some ornaments.

With standards like that it was difficult to disappoint.  We left happy :) 

Luckily the kids don't have any idea that life should look any different and Isaac said (more than once) "look at ALL THESE Christmas trees" as he scanned the plant market.  In reality, there were zero "Christmas trees" but I wasn't about to break the news to my favorite two year old. 

Checking out the options - many trees, very few of the right size and shape.  But lots of grins from the kiddos.

We eventually found four that we thought were possibilities and selected one to do the honors in our living room this year.

Loaded it in the van and brought it home.... after the kids were in bed Matt moved it indoors.  Excitement levels are pretty high and I'm guessing we'll be stringing lights before 9 am tomorrow :) 

I LOVE this season and am so grateful that Matt made sure we'll have this tree set and ready before he leaves for a week of travel!  We lit the first candle on our advent wreath this morning, the advent calendar count-down begins Thursday December 1st and the kids are quickly memorizing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". 

Tis the season :)  


Mom/Grandmama said...

Noticed you did not reveal the actual tree yet - looking forward to seeing the decorating photos! We get our tree today too. Love you all!

Grandma Jan said...

Can't wait to see the tree and the fun beginning. We got our outdoor greens yesterday and I love putting them up. Since we can't do indoor fresh Christmas tree cuz of allergies, the outdoor fresh greens is special. Love you all. Jan

Andy and Sheryl said...

I love Isaac's perspective :) Can't wait to see the finished product!