Sunday, November 6, 2011

Joosy Bery

This afternoon the kids opened a store, Juicy Berry.

Otherwise known as Joosy Bery.  Phonetic spelling will get ya every time, huh?

So fun to watch them work together on a project like this.  And it kept them busy most of a slow Sunday afternoon. 

The store sells baby dolls, books and fruit.

You can even get your fruit cut for you before leaving the store.  Pretty handy.  (Those are my mango and watermelon slices, getting ready to head to the register.)

Lydia ran the cash register and let me tell you, the prices were pretty steep.  No worries though, the bills came in large denominations :)

I'm not sure where Julianna learned to write the dollar sign.  It kind of surprised me to see how she did this, since it's certainly not anything she sees around here, but I'm guessing she saw it in a book or something? 

Love love love to watch their minds spin and create.  And if anyone has a spare $110 dollar bill laying around, I know where you can spend it :) 


Krisanne said...

So fun! Tell them I'd love to come shopping in their store, especially if they're providing the $110 dollar bills! :) Love and hugs to you all!

Mom/Grandmama said...

Yes, what a creative game for a Sunday afternoon! And I'll take one of those $110 bills too!

Grandma Jan said...

Love it when kids play "Pay"' like Kaelynn calls it, and make believe. I'd love to come shop there too,mid the ocean wasn't in my way. Love you all, Jan

Julie Redfern said...

So fun! Love the pretty dresses girls! I want to visit your store, the fruit cut before I leave would be great!

The Huffmans said...

Love this post. First of all, I love the name of the store. it sounds like great Chenglish to me. And I love that the Juicy Berry sells more than just fruit (which is what I expected from the name) it's a true dong xi store! Fruit, books, and babies-and they even cut the fruit for you. your kids are well on their way to being future Dong xi store owners! What's the chinese translation for juicy berry? now, will they go to lou si wan and buy me a paper cutter?