Friday, November 18, 2011

getting started in the kitchen

I am traveling again this weekend.  I know - I can hardly believe it myself.  It feels odd, all these nights away from home.  But I've had my heart set on this particular weekend retreat for months.....

Transition to this new city has not been pretty.  Ten months here, and I still feel really disconnected.  The holidays are just a grim reminder: I have no memories here.  No history here.  No "remember last year when I shattered the glass pie plate on the kitchen floor" or "let's try to get a tree at that same tree farm". 

Nope.  Here all is new.  Where to put the tree?  Never had one in this apartment before.  Where to spend Thanksgiving?  Never done a holiday with these new friends.  Christmas Eve?  Wonder what we'll do to celebrate? 

It seems like the answer to most of these questions always echoes with the same refrain: new - new - new - new - new - new. 

And I don't like it.  Sure, there are parts of "new" that are fun.  We need a new spot to shop for Christmas trees! 

And some things are less "new".  I'm sure our manger scene will go on top of our glass-topped dish cabinet, just like always.  It's just that the dish cabinet is sitting in a new apartment :) 

Anyways, all that to say - this weekend away with a delightfully OLD friend (not old in years, old in "friendship years"!!) is a treat!  I have a two hour bullet train ride to meet her (at the end of her five hour bus ride).  It's the closest to "a halfway spot" for both of us.

And because I don't get back til Monday evening (thank you to my gracious husband, for this wonderful personal time away)..... I have some serious holiday baking and cooking to think about.  So Isaac and I got a head start today :) 

Introducing my fake kitchen aid.  I dream of the day I will live in a country where I can easily own a real one.  But in the meantime this little machine does a somewhat decent job, and I must confess that it saves GOBS of time kneading bread dough! 

Notice how in each shot Isaac's right arm is stretched out towards the control panel.  He is dying to crank the speed dial and the words "can I make it go faster?" are on the tip of his tongue! 

Oh yeah, and he's done a bit of preliminary taste testing too, can you tell? 

1 comment:

JBC said...

Have a marvelous weekend!