Friday, August 26, 2011

updates with a side of baseball pics

So here I am, 33.333 % of the way through this little Daddy-less stint and it's going just okay.  I am most definitely feeling better than I was this time last week.  Thank you Jesus. 

Last night was a doozy - visited by a big thunderstorm with awe-inspiring, child-waking, power-outage causing lightning and thunder.  If Matt was home and we were pre-children we'd probably have sat on the enclosed porch and watched God paint the sky. 

Unfortunately, Matt wasn't home and the children were not as ready to be awe-inspired but instead begging Mommy to turn the nightlight back on.  Bummer is, Mommy can't turn on the nightlight when the power is out.  (This is our third little nighttime power outage in about ten days and I am just about sick and tired of it - the previous two, I'm almost certain, were rolling blackouts to our area of the city, this one storm-caused..... but still, no power when camping is one thing.  Life is not a camping trip.  I like electricity.  Now I'm done complaining, let's proceed.)

So I'm feeling better.  I am able to get out of the bed (after the kids come to find me, but still, OUT of the bed) and serving up some breakfast.  I left the apartment twice yesterday and once today.  And when I'm out I'm feeling ok, not just moving my weary body to someone else's couch. 

Is the worst behind me?  Who knows.  I'm still on anti nausea meds (and can definitely feel them wear off as the time for the next dose approaches).  But I'm glad to be where I am, health-wise.  

The baseball pics are from our friend Graham, who we visited on our road trip earlier this month.  Isaac is actually "most likely to be carrying a bat" in our family, but Julianna had a fun (albeit not very successful) time playing this particular day. 

I especially love that she's wearing her Itasca (Minnesota) State Park t-shirt, playing the quintessentially American game of baseball, with the blurred Chinese characters in the background. 


Mom/Grandmama said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better and love those photos of Julianna swinging a bat - reminds me of your t-ball days! Love you all bunches!!

Paul said...

looks like we have something to work on -
love Grandaddy

Grandma Jan said...

So glad you're feeling a little better. Hope it keeps going in this direction. Love, Jan

Julie Redfern said...

love how her eyes are closed! So glad to hear you are feeling better.

Jaci said...

So glad that you feel okay when you are out! And I love the baseball pictures...that is a game we could play if I ever get to visit! :-) Praying for you and your expanding beautiful family!!