Sunday, August 28, 2011

skipping school

I'm still not entirely sure how this happened, but Julianna is 5 and a half years old.

Please tell me time will slow down.

If we were in a more typical schooling environment, she'd probably be starting kindergarten.  But typical we are not.  And starting kindergarten?  We are not.

For years I have dreamed of home schooling.  I wanted to home school before I had kids.  And once the kids showed up, well it just seemed even more fun.  Matt and I thought we'd send our kids to local preschool a few mornings a week for language acquisition.  And when the time came, I'd start home schooling.

So far, things are going swimmingly.  Our girls enjoy preschool.  And it's a sweet little place that emphasizes creativity, imagination and fun.  They sing, they dance, they listen to stories, they play games, all in their second language.  Their language skills are admirable and give them the ability to navigate relationships with our friends and neighbors.  Julianna is excited that when she turns 6 she'll start learning to write characters.  (preschool here runs til children are six, they then transition directly to first grade.)

We are so grateful for the Lord's graciousness to our girls in this area - their three morning a week foray into 'doing childhood' in a different language and culture has been wildly successful. 

Right now they are finishing a month-long break from their preschool and will start up again in September. 

But what about home school?  Well, after consulting many experienced home school mom friends (both here and in the States) I decided to skip kindergarten.  More accurately, Julianna is skipping kindergarten.  Not to start first grade.  Just to take one more year apart from any formal structured learning. 

We'll read piles of books and play plenty of games.  We'll measure oats into cookie dough and talk 'driving east vs driving west' when we're on the highway.  I have no doubt that her reading will improve and the little books she writes will have more complex plot lines and her diligence will increase and, more than anything, I dream that her love of learning will grow and grow and grow.  But we won't be doing "school".

Plan A was that fall of 2012 we'd look into a first grade curriculum.  But as friends pointed out a few days ago, fall 2012 is going to be a smidge more complex than I originally thought, with an infant and (hopefully already in our home or soon to be arriving) adopted toddler.  Maybe we'll start fall 2013?!? 

Sure, Julianna will probably have a few places she needs to play catch up.  We'll cross that bridge when we get there.  And, of course, by the time Julianna pulls up a chair and starts something called home school her little sister will be 5 and, most likely, sitting right next to her.  So Julianna might be the only one who gets this extra year of fun  :) 

[In other words, this decision to skip kindergarten is nothing that we are super passionate about, nor do we think that parents who choose otherwise made a poor decision - most likely all our children except Julianna will do something along the lines of kindergarten, at least in the sense that they'll spend their preschool years in a environment with a home schooling mom and older sibling(s).  But this year, I do feel confident that we have made a good choice for our family.] 

And for right now our little home is not officially school - except, of course, in the sense that it's been a school since the day she arrived. 


Paul said...

excellent idea -- I have always thought the main purpose of was to teach kids to line up to go to the bathroom and to raise their hands before talking. Looking at pictures of Julianna's preschool I am guessing that she has already had those lessons.

love Grandaddy

Leslie said...

Sounds like Julianna is getting the same kindergarten curriculum as play time, practice writing letters, M & M counting for math, recess, etc. Perhaps the only thing she isn't getting is loads of worksheets to pass the time. Good decision for your family to have one more year of freedom (or two).

And, yes, you are correct about #2. It's amazing how our #2 just falls right in line with what the oldest does. Once you start, everyone will be on board with school.

Mom/Grandmama said...

You have created a wonderful learning environment at home - far surpassing that of most homes and schools so why start the structured learning too soon - you've made a good decision. Once school does start, you're going to have plenty of students! Love you- we'll be there Friday, but who's counting!!

Cheryl said...

Lot's of kids take gap years - usually between high school and college - but between pre-school and first grade works for me... and I know it will work for your family too! You are in our prayers.