Tuesday, May 4, 2010

holding hands

It is no exaggeration to say that I started dreaming of this moment shortly after I found out I was pregnant with Isaac.  I so enjoy watching Julianna and Lydia hold hands, and I couldn't wait for baby #3 to be right in the middle of the love.

Recently I've been thinking my dreamed of moment was on the horizon, but I wasn't sure when it would happen.  And on Sunday afternoon I looked up and there it was.... the three of them walking towards the stairwell door, hand in hand.  

I scrambled, realized I didn't have the camera, and decided it was better to just enjoy the moment in all it's sweet sibling glory.  (Then I quickly decided that I'd never ever leave the house without my camera again.) 

Yesterday after dinner the whole family went outside for a short walk and a few bites of ice cream.  I took the camera and said "do that all three holding hands thing again so Mommy can get a picture". 

Got it.  Love it.  Love 'em.  So fun. 


Krisanne said...

Those are some super cute pictures!!! :) And so excited to hear about your house in GF - praise God! It sounds wonderful!!!

Mom/Grandmama said...

Such sweet photos! Isaac is certainly well loved. Maybe not so fond of the tight hug from Lydia? He's probably still easily put off balance which would make me nervous too! Thanks for sharing those precious moments.

Paul said...

awwww !!!! thanks for sharing

love from GrandDad

Julie Redfern said...

Those are great pictures! I love it when Caroline and Will hold hands and can't wait for the next one to join in too!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Great story and pictures!
love, susan

Jaci said...

sweet! can't wait to see #4 in the line up...:)

Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

Awesome - I love it!

JBC said...

They remind me of ice-cream... thank you so much for sharing those pics!