Friday, March 5, 2010

no boys allowed

The girls are in a neat stage where they play really well together.  So nice for me!  They get really wrapped up in their little pretend worlds and only come running to find me if they need help with something (like moving furniture to make a little house, or using clothespins to fasten a cape).  

Of course, there are times when the screaming gets loud and I hear "mine mine mine" or "no don't you touch that!"  but it is nice to be in a season where that seems to be happening less and less.  

Only one small problem.  NO BOYS ALLOWED.  They haven't actually come up with these words quite yet, but their point is clear: Isaac is not part of this girly girl play club.  

And it sounds like this: 

"Isaac, this is the big girls dancing class and you can't come.  The little boys dancing class is over there" as she points across the hall.  Good thing Isaac's feelings were not hurt in the slightest, and he has no desire to go to "little boys dancing class".  

I've also heard "no babies can come across this line". 

In part, I can't blame them.  Isaac is a destroyer.  One small touch with his hand and he can knock over 95% of the little plastic pieces in the baby doll house.  He grabs and pulls and just generally doesn't understand how much "destruction" he can leave in his wake.  

Trust me, he looks innocent enough, but he can make one huge mess in about 5 seconds.

So the girls prefer that he steer clear of their play.  But guess where he wants to be?  You got it, right in the thick of it.  [Well, most of the time.  He also tends to stick really close to me.  His optimal situation would be for me to be with him, while he terrorizes the big sisters.]

Something tells me we'll be dealing with this situation for years :) 


Mom/Grandmama said...

What beautiful granddaughters and what a handsome grandson! Loved your post and so glad the girls are enjoying playing together so well. And you're right, you have many more years of terrorizing yet to come! We love you all bunches!

Chris, Leah, Austin, Bennett and Lucy said...

Glad to hear your girls play so well now! My boys are sort of in-between playing well together and Austin screaming (or hitting or knocking down) for Bennett to not touch, knock down, grab or destroy whatever he is doing. Bennett is quite the destructive one too. But the past 2 weeks they have had moments of playing or laughing your girls are inspiration.

Paul said...

I'm thinking Isaac will be "helpful" --
Just trying to be helpful


Anonymous said...

Little boys with two older sisters are always helpful.
Uncle E

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that Caroline and WIll play so well together. I hope it continues for many more years for your kids. Love Julie