Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Easter Egg decorating

So today we started dyeing Easter eggs.  Well, technically we started yesterday afternoon..... but after about 5 minutes I realized that Easter egg dyeing is an activity that needed either fewer children or more adults.  And, since I was the only adult around, I decide to postpone the remainder of the egg dyeing session until this morning during Isaac's nap.  

Announcing my decision to delay the egg dyeing for 18 hours was not a happy moment, but I am glad that I stood my ground.  It made for a much more relaxed mommy, and a much happier group of little egg dye-ers.  Isaac will have to wait til next year to join in the fun :) 

Lydia was thrilled with the entire process.  She was continually amazed by watching her eggs change color.  I was pretty amazed too.... she left each egg in the dye for approximately 7 seconds, so I was pretty impressed that the eggs actually showed a tinge of color!  Of course, while she didn't leave any one egg in any certain color for any significant length of time, she was not afraid to double, triple, quadruple dip.  In.  Out.  Choose a new color.  Repeat.  

What can I say?  Her fingers might never loose their brilliant Easter hue.  But she had a blast!  

Julianna was much more determined to create "art" and worked very hard to make stripes and patterns.  I love watching Julianna do crafts.  She's just at a fun stage where she really has all the motor skills to create what she dreams up in her head.   

Her patience far exceeds Lydia's, and she was rewarded with some pretty special looking eggs.  Nothing I would consider a masterpiece, but she's got real Easter egg dyeing potential! 

We only broke one egg, which I promptly peeled and served as snack.  I kept our cups of dye and we'll be decorating more eggs before the week is over.  I just need to buy and boil some more eggs! 


Grandmama said...

What fun, Julianna and Lydia. Looks like you had a great time - wish I could have been there to help! Dye some Easter eggs for me. We love you! Grandmama

kkvernen said...

I just read a great idea in the magazine Family Fun. An easy way to dye Easter eggs with young children is to put the egg in the middle of a wire whisk and dip them in that way. I'm going to try it that way this year. Hopefully it will save on multi-colored fingers!

Leslie said...

What are you going to do with the eggs? Do you store them on the table or in the fridge?

Did you ever pull the wishbone at Thanksgiving? Well, in the same vein, we used to smash Easter Eggs and see whose would last the longest without a crack. That sounds like something Isaac would really enjoy!

Anonymous said...

What fun! I can't wait to dye eggs with Will and Caroline.