Monday, May 30, 2016

last day of school

Our kiddos stayed in school until the day before take off!  The little guys will be back at the same school, same class, same teachers when we return in August.  And the big three will stay at the same school, same class, same teachers, just a new grade level.  [This is typical Asian-style schooling... I'm not sure the reasoning behind it, but it is the way it is.  Julianna and Lydia are with the same teachers and same classmates they started first grade with - they spent the first two years in the same classroom!]

Lydia and her favorite school friend, Gu Yin.

Julianna and Chen YiNan.

I'm not so sure who Isaac's best classroom friend is... the boys he knows best are on the soccer team and he is the only one from his class on the first grade team.  But this is definitely his best friend at school - the only other white guy, Grady :)

and with those four pictures, the school year is over.  For my kids anyways.  The local kids will stay in class through early July, but we skipped town and headed for the airport!

1 comment:

Grandmama said...

Good friends are the best - know the big 3 will miss them this summer, but new friends on the horizon.