Sunday, May 22, 2016

dinner picnics

My final days in country are always plenty busy.  So last week I put our family on a "mom's only cooking every other night" rotation :)  As long as we are willing to eat cheap local food we can eat out almost as cheaply we can eat at home (sometimes even cheaper!).

One of our meals last week was a fried rice picnic at clover field.

Walking distance from our apartment, plenty of space to roam, soccer grass aplenty.

big family perks - instant soccer fun

This was one of those "pass it to certain people in a certain order and see if you can beat your previous time" challenges.

We need more practice :)

1 comment:

E said...

Hello! We are friends of Bridget and Aaron E. from the States, and they passed on your blog to us. So interesting to read about your life and how it intersects with culture. Many blessings to you all.