Sunday, December 30, 2012

as the year ends

We have us a THREE DAY WEEKEND!!!  And man on man do I need it! 

The last few days with John Paul have been really tough.  Really really tough.  Matt and I both feel that we've taken a few big steps backward in terms of his security, comfort, adjustment, everything.  He's waking all through the night and generally grumpy as can be during the day.  [Although today he had a slow morning and a really great afternoon - so maybe we're through the worst of it!]

Surely some of this is related to adoption, attachment, abandonment, previous trauma, etc.  Some of it is probably related to surgery issues - it was traumatic, painful, yucky on all accounts.  And some of it is probably related to food - I'd be generally ticked off and grumpy if I was restricted to a liquid diet myself. 

So, all that to say, we have not had an easy few days. 

And I'm glad to have Matt home an extra day (Tuesday), turning this into a three day weekend for our family. 

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