Friday, November 16, 2012

our afternoons

Wednesday afternoon I took everyone shoe shopping.  Julianna and Lydia needed new footwear, the boys were just along for the experience.  And it was.  An experience, I mean. 

Thursday I decided something a little more low-key was in order.  We walked across the street to the neighboring apartment complex.  We go there all the time.  It's a huge complex, and the best part is an enormous area in the center that is totally blocked off to cars.  The kids can ride bikes everywhere and I don't have miniature panic attacks that someone's going to get hit by a car! 

There are several different courtyard play areas within the car-free zone and I usually park the stroller at one of those spots and let John Paul out to run around with the big kids. 

Yesterday a group of ladies had gathered for dance practice.  This is incredibly common here.  By 8pm most every public space is filled with at least one group of dancers.  It's pretty much the middle-aged Chinese woman version of the Electric Slide - a line dance, but classy and elegant. 

Julianna loves to watch and she perched herself on a grassy hill overlooking the dancers and did the moves right along with them.

Luke hangs out in the stroller...

and almost always gathers a crowd of admirers.

(There are days this crowd issue makes me want to scream in frustration.  There are days this issue makes me want to cry in frustration.  Yesterday it didn't bother me.  But some days.... oh, some days.  I just want to load the whole family up on the next airplane and move somewhere that we can go out in public without causing a scene.)

And these two... almost inseparable these days. 

Often best of friends.  Occasionally worst of enemies. 

They played hard, biking far and collecting rocks and exploring everywhere.  We made it home a little after five and I started the mad dash to get supper in the oven. 

And this afternoon?  We're going to visit a local friend who just got out of the hospital.  Because when the doctor said "rest quietly at home" a visit from me and the kiddos is probably exactly what he had in mind!

1 comment:

Mom/Grandmama said...

I'm sure shoe shopping with 5 was a hoot. Luke is getting HUGE - growig so fast. Loved the photos - and we love and miss you all!