Thursday, June 14, 2012

water guns

It's water gun season :)  Do they sell this kind in America?  (think tube-inside-a-tube.... put the end down into water and pull to 'draw up' water into the gun... then push on the handle to shoot your water out!)

If you live in China you're probably less than a half mile from a store that will sell you one of these for almost nothing.  Worth every penny.   

They *might* even be fun for adults :) 

Do you see the hidden smile on Isaac's face as he comes back to the water bucket for a re-load? 

Somebody was having a good time :) 


Grandmama said...

Now that looks life fun! Hope it's still warm enough for more water gun fighting when we get there!

Julie Redfern said...

They do have these here. Some are more like the spongy pool noodle things. They are so much easier for little kids to refill. I love that smirk on Isaac's face.