Tuesday, June 19, 2012

they dance again

Once again this spring the girls participated in Tuesday after-school dance class.  Tonight was the final night.... their performance!

The show is perfectly simple.  Held in a classroom at the school, with an audience of about 40 (which, by the way, is way toooooo many people for the classroom!).  When our family walked in Luke just about stole the show.  Every time I watch children ooh and aah over "our family's baby" I am once again reminded that it is a rare privilege here to be an older sibling. 

After just about everyone had a chance to snap Luke's photo the dancing began. 

Julianna and Lydia were in the same class this semester - in this photo that's Julianna in the back (front?) row and Lydia right in front of her.   

Here they are getting some final instructions from their teacher.

Lydia watching the last dance of the night -

Isaac, who hung on til the very end (40 minutes or so) and was one very patient little brother in a room dominated by girls and dancing and red tutus!

Matt and the troops watching the other dancers.  Luke managed very well in a hot crowded noisy room, with plenty of yawns and a few grumpy faces. 

Me with my little girls at the end of the show.  I'm proud of them for working hard, honoring their teacher, respecting their classmates and encouraging one another (most of the time, that is!) 


Grandma Jan said...

Oh thanks so much Laura for this post. I can hear the music as I see the pictures. I had a wonderful time at the girls rehearsals and was so wishing to see the performance but knew I wouldn't. Thanks so much for sharing, all the smiles and pictures, and BRAVO Julianna and Lydia. You looked soooo pretty and I'm sure you did a very fine job dancing. Love you. Grandma

Susan said...

Great picture of you ladies!

Anonymous said...

I love the photos-especially the one of Lydia,Laura,Julianna with the red theme! Sweet. Glad to hear the boy "stole the show"-way to go Luke!- at an all girls event!!

Grandmama said...

What a beautiful post - love those gorgeous granddaughters in their dance outfits. So wish we could have been there for the performance - look forward to seeing the video. Much love to everyone!