Friday, June 22, 2012

summer in the courtyard

After a slow-to-warm-up summer the temperatures are finally nice and high.  And honestly I won't mind one bit if they go higher still :)  A nice hot summer helps push cold-wet-winter memories to the back of my mind for a few months!

And when it warms up we head out to our courtyard.  Life in a small apartment means we value every square meter of floor space.  And I realized today that apparently we've transitioned that same thought-process to the courtyard.  It is packed full of little people and laundry.  

View from the entrance to the courtyard (the 'upper porch' and sliding doors into our apartment are on the left). 

And from the other direction, you can see our laundry rack in the far corner, our neighbors' electric bike outside the gate:

"I L-O-V-E this courtyard" is a sentence I could repeat every single day that we live here.  So nice to have a spot to send the kids out to play.  So convenient to be able to start dinner, fold laundry, answer the phone, feed Luke.... all while mom-supervising through the screen doors! 

My favorite courtyard faces...


and TWO

and (tooth-less) THREE

and FOUR.

Now if we could just add our John Paul to the mix our summer would be complete!  (Still on waiting step #1 of the four "waits" following our LOA... but surely we will move on to step #2 soon!!!!)


Grandmama said...

Love those beautiful faces - looks like everyone is having fun! And look at those curls on Isaac's head - almost shaving that boy's head caused curls! Love to all.

Grandma Jan said...

It's fun to know almost every inch of that wonderful courtyard. Glad the kids could swim and have water in the pool fun again. Love the faces too, toothless and curls and all. Just beautiful kiddos. Love you. Jan

Jaci said...

Our backyard at our rental house was the same size...and I too was so thankful to have a place to send the kids to play!!! I still am...when you live without a backyard, for many small children to play, for a few years, I think you never again take it for granted!! ;-) Love it! And I know 2 sweet girls that would love to join that set up!