Tuesday, June 5, 2012

there he grows

Out running errands today and a local shopkeeper commented on how very big Luke is getting.  (Yes, while we live in a city that is home to millions, our nearby community is quite small and as the only foreigners within a good stretch, we're known by just about everyone.  Sure, there are days that I'd like a little more anonymity, but there are plenty of things to love about living in this kind of a neighborhood.)

Anyways, back to my small-but-growing-quickly boy Luke.

We did his two month shots yesterday, just a few weeks late :)  I really have no excuse now that we live in a city where we can get internationally manufactured vaccines (yea for this huge convenience!) but yet I still manage to get my kids off their vaccine schedule every time!  [Sweet Lydia got shots again too, still getting her caught up from the many she managed to miss..... she's in the clear for now!]

Luke is right at 13 pounds, I forget how many inches, smiling, happy, mostly content and our family's newest laugh-er.

He also does a very convincing serious face.

Please note all his hair.  Without doubt he's got more hair than any of his sibs were sporting at this age.  And as to "who does he look like?"  He's definitely sharing plenty of genetic material with Julianna, Lydia and Isaac :)  But he's got his own look too.  

We're having atypically low temperatures for June with plenty of rain to keep things cool.  I'm glad for an excuse for him to wear this little hat knit by his Grandma. 

Luke is officially out of the running for best night baby sleeper of the family (Isaac).  Unfortunately, he's also already lost his shot at the second place position (Lydia).  We're all hoping he secures his third place position soon and doesn't threaten Julianna's solid spot at worst night baby sleeper of the family.

I feel like I'm doing much better than I "should" be doing, considering the interrupted sleep pattern I'm maintaining.  Surely surely he's going to start some nice long nights soon, right?


Grandmama said...

Luke - you are definitely thriving - Mommy is taking good care of you. And so handsome. Can't wait to hold and love you and your siblings!

Susan said...

Oh my goodness! He has gotten so big!! And definitely has his own, CUTE look. I think he looks like Matt's dad. I hope you have some long night time sleep stretches in your near future - I would like Ryan to get back to that too! He's precious! Love you all!

Grandma Jan said...

Oh so precious Luke. Thanks for the post Laura and the adorable pictures. And I'm praying for longer sleep stretches for you. Dear god, please...... Love you, Jan

Marianne B Dean said...

Oh man, he is such a little cutie!!

Jaci said...

He is SO CUTE! Oh my!

Anonymous said...

Oh, precious Luke! Considering my place in the ancestry, I do think Luke has many looks of when "Daddy, was a very young man!"
Hugs & kisses to all. BN

Amy said...

He seems to be growing so much!! He is so cute! Praying that his sleeping habits still change. =)