Monday, April 2, 2012

it's picnic time

We are big fans of eating outdoors.... picnics of any kind always win.  The summer after Isaac was born I instituted "picnic Wednesdays" and it was part of my weekly meal plan.  [Maybe I'll do it again this summer?!?!]

Luke joined the family picnic fun for the first time

(He is my first to ever use one of the baby car seat things ..... our others were all before we owned a vehicle ..... and all i gotta say is: those things are heavy!!!  and awkward!!!   but nice for a little snooze although I wouldn't say Luke is a big fan.)

We joined a few other families and headed to a huge office park area - sounds funny for a picnic but it has nice areas to ride bikes and grass to run around in.  Plus its a big holiday here which means everything, everywhere is super crowded.... except the office park!

I forgot to mention this a few weeks ago but just when I thought one more cold drizzly day would make me crazy the weather got nicer!!!  And it keeps getting warmer!  Yay!!!

I wanted more pictures, including some of the kids' buddies and the kickball game that Matt and another dad organized, but I missed lots of photo ops while busy feeding Luke. 

Now that it's summer-like weather the girls have been begging me to get out their summer clothes but with a newborn, well, their request just never rolled to the top of my list :)  Then this afternoon Luke took a monster nap and the girls & I went to town.  They think digging into piles of "new" clothes is tons of fun.  I fold and sort and hang and pile like crazy trying to keep up with them.  Also Matt and I made a pineapple upside down cake (pineapple season here) and finished about half of it on my own - thanks to my ginormous baby-feeding-appetite!

Tomorrow (day two of the holiday) we plan to stick closer to home... a friend of Julianna's from school is coming over and I've got one more set of clothes (Isaac's) to switch out.  And maybe some more baking too :)


JBC said...

Enjoy the sunny weather! We're moving into "hot & sticky" season here so we're inside with all fans on as much as possible. Lots of love!

Krisanne said...

So fun! I love picnics, too, but here it's just always so hot and muggy that we never picnic. Unless you count eating breakfast out on top of our septic tank in the village, cause that's kind of picnic-y, and not so hot in the mornings. :) Your pineapple upside down cake sounds delish!

Susan said...

I love the pic of Lydia's curls! Ryan isn't a fan of the car seat either. And I love the idea of weekly picnics!

Grandma Jan said...

Love the post, Laura. A picnic sounds wonderful, but Krisanne is right, not here. The sun here is miserable. Thought just a sec. I was looking at Isaac a few years back. The boys look alot alike to me. Can't wait to meet Luke and reunite with everyone. Can't wait for Grandpa to come tomorrow, too. Love you. jan

Julie Redfern said...

I wish it was warm enough for a picnic here. You are right those car seats are bulky and heavy. So glad I am done with those!

Anonymous said...

Seems like your kiddos are growing-rain or shine! ND weather has been warm also but not picnic warm. We've had basketballs, kickballs and baseballs going in all directions with our warmer than aveerage March.
Love you all, BN