Saturday, April 14, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa! (don't miss these pictures)

It's 7:30.  The three big kids are having a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa (who are staying in an extra apartment just a few buildings away from us).  Matt is working tonight.  Sweet baby Luke is snoozing.

And since he's in this strange groove where his longest stretch of sleep (and longest stretch between feedings) starts about 7pm, I really should be taking advantage of the quiet and head straight to bed.

But I'm looking at photos instead :)  And I promised Matt I would get as much rest as I could (and he knows I desperately need it) so I'll just upload two of my favorite and be off to sleep in just a bit!

Once you see these pics I think you'll agree it's worth loosing sleep to make sure these are on the blog!

Ha!  Aren't those awesome?  Definitely on my list of "favorite pictures EVER"!


Krisanne said...

Love them! So, so cute!

Susan said...

Great pictures. Everyone looks so happy, especially the grandparents. Enjoy the quiet and the extra sets of hands! Sending lots of love your way!

Mom/Grandmama said...

Lots of joy in all those faces!

The Huffmans said...

Fun your family is there! It's always a breath of fresh air to have non-sleep deprived, full of love grandparents around to love you and your kiddos! ENJOY!!

Anonymous said...

Fun to see the pictures with big smiles! ENJOY your stay with your precious grandchildren! Sleep overs are so much fun...

Rob and Carrie said...

Love those photos! Enjoy the time with G & G!