Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter egg hunt

Saturday morning we enjoyed an Easter egg hunt with a bunch of other foreign families here in town.  I braved the coldish drizzle and it was.... ummmm, intense :)  As I was pulling out of our complex I had a very distinct "I'm not sure I should be attempting this little outing" feeling in my gut.  But we were loaded up, and my kids were already excited about the hunt, so onward we went!

I'm definitely still figuring out how to tote four children around, and sweet Luke is still so very young.  He snuggled down deep in the sling for part of the time, out in weather he legitimately probably should have not been out in!  Oh well.  Luke buddy, welcome to life as #4 :)

I also missed the entire hunt portion of the morning sitting on a rainy bench feeding Luke.  The three big kids managed to get a good chunk of loot anyways :)  and when it was all over I smuggled away as many jelly beans as I could! 

Lydia was committed to pretending like the weather was gobs better than it actually was!  She brightens up the day, that's for sure.  

In the end, I was so glad I went.  So so glad.  But also exhausted.  And it was only noon :) 


Mom/Grandmama said...

Love that big gap tooth smile, Julianna! And Isaac's furrowed brow. And Lydia bright shining sticker face - such joy. Keeping up the pace in fowl weather - you are a trooper mother! Love you all so much!!

JBC said...

Love the sticker in the forehead style :)!

The Huffmans said...

you know, there's a lot about Easter that's really intense for moms-like egg dying with children under 5? I decided after this year that I might enforce a "no egg dying til your 5 rule!" Way to go taking all four of them to an egg hunt by yourself. lots of love to you!

Anonymous said...

Just Intense? I'm afraid I'd have had other words, closer to the dripy rain variety, to describe the energy it would take!
Way to go-to all. Love you!!!BN