Wednesday, April 11, 2012

the Easter family picture

It's clear....  Luke is thrilled to be a member of the family. 

Or at least he's willing to consider being a part of the family. 

And when he finally does decide he'll "put on a happy face" Lydia looks away from the camera. 

We had a great Easter Sunday celebrating with the three other families in our Sunday morning "church group".  [Why do I never think to get photos at group events?]   

Julianna lost her third tooth Saturday morning and the fourth was hanging precariously by noon that day.  She wanted to "keep it til Grandma and Grandpa arrived" but it was out Easter Sunday mid-afternoon (a little bump from her buddy Kate while they were wrestling helped speed the process).  Now she is one seriously gap-toothed 6 year old who is out of front teeth!  

Look for a post with some Luke updates soon!  He is growing and changing every day :) 


Mom/Grandmama said...

Julianna - you are just the cutest gapped tooth 6 year old I've ever seen! Sorry that last loose tooth wouldn't stay put for Grandma and Grandpa's arrival but you can show them your collection! Beautiful family, Laura and Matt. Love you!

Krisanne said...

Love your family pictures! Wish we were on that airplane with Grandpa and Grandma, too! We miss them terribly already!

Anonymous said...

Julianna, We say to 6 yr olds who have such beautiful gapping smiles, You're learning to read are you not? (The comment has so little to do with loosing teeth(just that teeth and reading happen at the "same" age) but such fun to watch the children try as they can to make a connection.)
We love you all, BN