Sunday, January 15, 2012

when he gets bigger

I love to ask Isaac what he is going to be when he "gets bigger".  One of his most frequent answers is "a 送水叔叔 ”.  The 送水叔叔 is the man who delivers big 17 liter bottles of water for our water machine.  He's captured Isaac's attention because he a) drives a noisy motorcycle and b) is strong enough to sling around huge bottles of water. 

As you might imagine this water delivery man is not a much sought after job - long hard hours, miserable conditions (delivering water in freezing cold drizzle, no thanks!) and minimum pay..... so Isaac might change his mind when he gets a little more world-wise, but in the meantime I think it's such a fun peek inside his world to know how much he admires this 送水叔叔! 

His second-most-common answer to the what do you want to be? question is "the driver of a car trasnporter loaded with 电动车 [electric bikes]".    So tonight before bedtime when the legos came out Isaac asked Matt to make him a car transporter - and this is what he got.

His body was literally quivering with excitement as the pieces came together :)

Julianna worked tirelessly following the printed instructions for a truck cab to tow the transporter and did such a great job!  I missed a picture..... but when praying before bed Isaac thanked God for his car transporter and the truck Julianna made - it was that good (at least in his eyes!)


Paul said...

beautiful lego work there —
and love the professional goals for Isaac.
As I best recall mine were to be either a cowboy or railroad train engineer.

love Granddaddy

Mom/Grandmama said...

Love these photos of Isaac building a transporter. I think Isaac's got engineering genes like his Dad! (I wanted to be a cowboy/cowgirl too - maybe that's why I fell in love with Granddaddy - we had similar aspirations?)