Wednesday, January 11, 2012

when daddy calls.....

So Matt got himself a new SIM card and popped it in his phone and voila..... we can communicate!  yay!  We can both text and he can call me, but I can't call him because my cell has some sort of block on international calls but all in all, good stuff for us!!

This morning Isaac came tip-toe-ing into my room and his very first words were "Is Daddy home?"  Little man is good-and-ready to have Matt back in the house!

So when the phone rang a little after lunch, he was first on deck to talk to Daddy :) 

Julianna and Lydia always have plenty to say too.  Matt doesn't do much talking (doesn't really have a chance of getting more but a few words in!), but I know he enjoys listening, and I sit grinning in the background wondering what from our past few days will make the cut as "phone worthy" - they don't always pick the topics I would have picked! 

We're staying busy.  Took all three kids on a bike ride to the local 'grocery store' this morning and wavered back and forth between "this was a bad idea" and "this was a really bad idea" for the first few minutes.  But after we finally got through the traffic-y portion of the walk/ride I ended up enjoying it!  Still cold but (for once) not drizzling, so it was nice to enjoy better weather.

After discussing with Matt we decided to just pull the girls out of school for this week so their long break has started - they won't go back til Feb 13th!!!  My afternoon "rest" is almost over.  The girls do an hour of reading on their beds and their first request when they come out of their room will be for me to read more of the Little House on the Prairie series to them.  Julianna got books #6-9 for her birthday and we're scooting through them!


Mom/Grandmama said...

I know the kids (and you) loved hearing Daddy's voice and he yours. Wish we were there to enjoy the Little House on the Prarie series with you. We miss you and love you.

Grandma Jan said...

Thanks for the post about your lives. Love it, miss you and can't wait to come visit in just weeks from now. Yeh!!