Monday, January 30, 2012

We are STILL on vacation :)  Actually Matt stepped away to get in a smidge of work today, but for the most part it is slow and lazy days for us - wow how we needed this time!

Last week we had two families visiting and over the weekend we flip-flopped (with a bit of overlap!) and now are spending time with friends who live north of us.  Their first three kids almost perfectly 'match' the ages of our three, and they've got a little 10 month old baby girl along too.  Last night four adults and seven children slept in our three bedroom apartment!

(picture from during the flip-flop of visiting families - my dear friend Ashlei reading to seven of the gathered kiddos!)

These four (who we refer to as "the bigs") plus Isaac share one bedroom.  We marvel at how well our children play together - and the late nights of talk with fellow parents is pure joy. 

It's been a bit of a relational desert for us with the move to a new city and living away from other foreigners, so this past week full of fellowship is even more special :)

In a few short days it's back to work for Matt and then we'll all be heading out of town on a work-related trip for Matt early next week.


JBC said...

Sounds like you all are having a marvelous time! We love you.

Grandma Jan said...

Oh, that looks so nice, so glad the kids have some more friends to play with. Glad for al of your time with, Jan

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear of groups of family fun-even among shared sleeping air. Fun times to treasure.
I taught 2nd grade-Chinese New Year topic. thought so much about you all.
Love you BN

Jaci said...

I would love to come on over for an evening! I really do wish we could spend some good quality time together in person!! So glad you are having a refreshing vacation"y" time!