Monday, January 9, 2012

simple little update

Ok, so I totally agree with all of you - that ultrasound picture looks like Isaac, which makes me think baby is a boy.  But we have very few boy names we like, much less agree on, and two perfectly sweet little girl names so  .....  maybe it's a girl ?!?!?  [We've had a boy name for our adopted son-to-be for a long long long long time, so that one is taken care of!]

I have no "gut feeling" on whether baby is a boy or girl and honestly waver back and forth based on the week, or day, or even hour.  I guess we'll just have to wait it out, huh? 

Tonight finishes up day two of Matt's six day trip - lots of asking about Daddy, especially from Isaac, but other than that we're doing just fine.  Unfortunately, due to the nature and location of his trip, we have very little contact.  I did get a brief email earlier today.  On some of his longer trips we like to skype and it's nice to be able to check in on each other during the day via text message, but it seems like this time around we're just not going to hear much from him.

The girls' school technically does not close for the holiday until January 20th (the holiday is Chinese/Lunar New Year, and it's the biggest deal on the calendar for 20% of the world's people).  Its actually simpler and easier for me to just keep the girls home, but since school is technically still in session I hope to take them at least twice this week.  Today though we enjoyed a school-less Monday and didn't venture further than kids-bike-ride distance from our front door. 

And since it's cold and drizzly (even for our bike ride the sky was kind of drippy, but we persevered!) we did lots of playing inside. 

Sometimes dinner can be my loneliest (yet busiest) time of day when Matt is gone, but tonight's was delightful.  Somehow we got on the topic of "how do they get the shark to the aquarium" and a simple "well, I'm sure it's difficult" answer from Momma was not sufficient. 

Turns out I have a bit to learn about marine animal transport.  I tried to imagine a big truck driving down the highway with a shark swimming in the back, but it just didn't sit right in my mind, especially on China highways and in China trucks.  And that was after we talked through numerous options for actually getting the shark captured and in a tank (probably at least two boats were involved, according to Julianna).  And before we discussed how to get him off the truck and into the tank at the aquarium (definitely using a crane, said Isaac).

It was a long involved discussion.  But I enjoyed it :) 


Grandma Jan said...

Isaac playing on his bed reminds of visiting Svea and Jon in LaCross once. They had a coffee table/play table in their living room just like Isaacs bed and Ben( now Jonathan) played cars and trucks and trains on it. We sat and visited while Ben played and played. Isaacs bed looks perfect for that sort of thing, and love to see him play and play. Thanks for the post, and happy picking out baby names. You'll pick the perfect one for this next gift from heaven.

Mom/Grandmama said...

That is one happy Isaac playing with his big parking garage/car/truck setup. Total bliss on that beautiful face! We love you all!