Thursday, September 29, 2011

painting (and one reason i love to blog)

This afternoon we painted. 

And I took photos.

I am 99% sure I would not have photographed this simple little event if I didn't blog. 

 I'm also 99% sure that Isaac's favorite color is blue :) 

And I'm positive that years from now (maybe even next year) I'll be grateful that I did.  Grateful that I blogged.  Grateful that I picked up the camera.  Grateful that I painted.


Mom/Grandmama said...

I'm grateful too - keeps us connected and I love being a part of your lives! Love you all bunches!

Leslie said...

...and maybe grateful that you put plastic on the kitchen table to protect the wood! :)

I LOVE your "everyday" posts. It really connects me to your world.

Julie Redfern said...

I agree with you and the comments. I wouldn't take as many pictures if I didn't blog either. Isaac will be glad to know that his future clothes will have some blue in them! Will won't wear it if it isn't mostly blue!!

Grandma Jan said...

Thanks so much for blogging. It's wonderful for us readers and just makes me feel a little part of your life. Love you all, Jan

Marie Crissman said...

Though I tend to "catch up" with bloggers intermittently, I truly do enjoy the opportunity to see and share your lives that are so far away from ours. I'm truly glad that you blog, as well, and know that this will be a treasure for years to come!