And, here's a photo of our tree. Realized I never posted it. You can see that it is not only real and alive, but still growing in it's own pot. in past years when the Christmas season is over we have put our trees out in the public area of the apartment complex and the gardeners have planted them. You can go back to our old apartment and see our old trees. I think we might ask them to leave this one potted and use it again next year.
It has a wonderful "real tree, not perfect" flavor to it. If you know why the ends of the branches are bending down like they are, please post a comment and tell me what to do - yes, we know that we need to water it!! so, the issue is deeper than that.
And don't worry, we've added lots of presents since we took this picture :)
I think you have a Deodara Cedar - native to Southeast Asia. The branch tips dip naturally so don't over water! Plants need sunlight, water and air to grow. Too much water and they can drown. You can see a photo here -
Off to the Thackers to deliver a suitcase! Love, Mom
I hope it doesn't grow too big before next year! You don't want a tree that takes up half the room. :)
Of course, you know that I know nothing about why the branches droop. My guess would be that the ornaments are too big. Good thing you have your Mom to give you better information. Aren't Mom's great!
Leslie - thanks for the vote of confidence! I also remembered that Deodara Cedars are what line the streets of Kunchuan so your Christmas tree should look familiar. They do get huge but yours should be good for another year or two as a Christmas tree! Mom
one of my memories of drooping Christmas trees and perhaps the cause was as a young child it seemed tht the trees were frequently crashing to the floor. (my having four younger brothers & dogs & cats in the house may have had something to do with that). My Dad actually got to the point of wiring the tree to the upper corners of the room so it could more or less swing freely.
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