We had the kitchen set out in the middle of the living room floor, so it was the first thing she saw when she came out of her bedroom. I wrapped up the plastic accessories the night before and she dug right in - now I am wondering, "why did I give her a gazillion small plastic pieces of kitchen accessories (plates, spoons, pots, fake food, etc)??" - in the first 24 hours since giving her the kitchen I have found various plastic kitchen things under the sofa, spotted them on my bed and tripped over them in the guest bathroom.
here she is working hard - she cooked a variety of dishes, but her favorite dish to cook is definitely pumpkin bread! yum :)
Lydia celebrating with her big sister...
We talked to both sets of grandparents on the webcam (except my dad skipped out on the birthday call to go to the Carolina Panthers game). Later in the day, we hosted about 20 friends for a big meal, Christmas carol singing, and white elephant gift exchange.
Now it's Christmas Eve morning, we are headed out in a bit to go to an indoor playground with some other family friends - we'll play and then have lunch and finish off the cupcakes from birthday party #1.
Looks like you are having a wonderful time celebrating!! I totally know what you mean about finding "pieces" of "things" all over the apartment...I guess it is part of what makes life with little people SO busy!:-) Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!! Sending love and hugs accross the world...:-)
Happy Birthday, Julianna from the Luiken's in North Dakota
Happy Birthday Julianna!! and I look forward to baking some pumpkin bread with you (and looking for pieces of the kitchen). and by the way the tailgate and Panters-Cowboys game was a treat. Stephen and I were I high in the endzone in the "cheap" (yeah) seats. and Merry Christmas Eve to you all from NYC.
love Dad/GrandDad
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