Tuesday, October 23, 2007

crying in unison

So, all is quiet here at the Kvernen household. For a few minutes, we had both girls crying in unison.... nothing like the sound of two little girls wailing to make you question your own sanity! But, bedtime is upon us and it's the most relaxing part of my day. Oh, how I love my girls - especially when they are asleep! Ha ha.

The weather has turned nice again, and we were outside ever so briefly today. Honestly, getting both the girls out the door and down the flights of stairs is quite a challenge. Julianna is a big fan of walking the stairs on her own, but at her pace, we'd spend the entire day just getting down to the ground floor.

We talked to both sets of grandparents on webcam this past weekend - Julianna is starting to understand the concept, I think. At least, she is starting to talk to and interact with them via computer. Makes it fun. Since we have a wireless router, we can webcam from anywhere in the apartment, including the kitchen table.

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