Wednesday, February 16, 2011

come right back and check on me

Isaac is definitely still adjusting to his 'new room'.  He is excited to be in there during the day and spreads his cars, trucks and trains everywhere.  And on Sunday night when we had some friends over (grand total: 6 little girls and only one little boy - Isaac) he came to me and said, "Tell those girls to get out of my room."  In other words, he feels a little ownership over the place :)  

But he misses the girls too.  One night last week he asked to sleep in the girls' room.  Tonight he asked to sleep in Lydia's bed :)  The bedrooms in this apartment are a bit smaller than our old apartment, so I'm not even sure three beds would fit in one room, and I KNOW he likes having his own space.  And he had his own room in America and it was never a problem.  I think that on top of all the transition, and then sharing a room with the girls for a few weeks after we left America, he's decided he'd rather just sleep with them. 

It sounds cruel, to not let him sleep with them, but right now I'm just not prepared to re-arrange the furniture.  So the first night he asked I said, "sorry buddy, but you are sleeping in your room tonight.  You are ok.  I'll come right back and check on you."

Which is now his absolute favorite thing to say as I walk out of the room every night.  "You come right back and check on me?" he asks in a voice so precious you would never dream of saying No.

"Yes, buddy, I'll come right back and check on you."

I think he decided he likes this little evening-ending-conversation and it gets longer every night.  Not sure where it will end up, but he is now into tacking on little bits and pieces of information and even assigning me tasks. 

Last night we read a few books before bed (including a few about farms/tractors) and I left with him instructing me "Mom, you come right back and check on me and tell daddy that I want him to ride that tractor." 

Tonight he added a new twist:  "Mom, Mom, you tell him [Matt] I want two daddies to come right back and check on me." 

I think he means that he wants Matt to come check on him two times :)  But he's got his words a little mixed up.  He also added something about Matt and the tractor, but I didn't follow the whole idea (this is the first time he's mentioned the tractor since last night).   

Now I'm wondering what tomorrow night holds!  And, Yes, I do go back and check on him :)

On a totally different topic, yesterday we took care of this little sweetie pie!  Her mom (our friend and neighbor) needed to go to the dentist (a last minute thing) so my kids spent a good chunk of the day fighting over who got to hold Le Le. 

I'm not sure she had ever been so stimulated in her entire life :)  A few minutes after this photo was taken she yawned three times, fluttered her eye lids and sunk into a deep sleep.  She was a delightful little guest, and we were thrilled that her parents entrusted her to us, but she liked to be held and definitely added an additional layer of complexity to my day!



Mom/Grandmama said...

What a sweet post - sounds like Isaac has figured out how to get some more one-on-one attention from his mommy and daddy! And he's talking so much more too. Loved the photos of little Le Le - precious attention givers too.

Julie Redfern said...

Another baby to hold! I'm sure Isaac was loving it.

Jaci said...

SOOOO cute! What an adorable little man you have there! :-)