Monday, November 29, 2010

when she runs out of things to say

My parents are quickly learning one pivotal truth about Lydia.  She loves to talk!  Matt sums it up best when he says it like this:  "Lydia talks all day long.  When she runs out of things to say, she just keeps on talking." 

It's amazing how many minutes of any given hour she spends talking.  It's also wearying :)  So we're all a little relieved when she turns her verbal attention to others. 

Like Isaac :)  Ha ha.  She does talk his ear off, and he is a very willing listener so they make a good pair.  And yesterday she identified another target....  the 60 year old panda bear that belonged to my dad when he was a little boy.

She read Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? (a new favorite with our little man)

And he was a great listener! 

We are having loads of fun here, which gives all the kids lots to talk about.  Even Isaac, who does not like all the driving (we spend a lot more time in the car here in a sprawling metropolis) but does like all the emergency vehicles.  This afternoon we spotted ambulances, lights flashing and sirens blaring, on two separate occasions.  He calls them fire trucks and just asks for more.  "More fire trucks.  Again fire trucks.  Mommy, [where] fire trucks go?"

If only an ability to produce a speeding ambulance in the approaching lane was part of my mom repertoire!  Then I would really be something :) 

1 comment:

Julie Redfern said...

Will talks that much too!! Maybe Isaac will listen to both of them! Good luck with producing fire trucks on demand.