Tuesday, November 2, 2010

guess who

Julianna and Lydia are really into the game Guess Who?  For those of you who aren't familiar with the young kids board game circuit Guess Who? is a process of elimination game for two players.  The goal is to ask questions and gradually eliminate possibilities by flipping down face tiles until you determine the face on your opponents' card.  Clear as mud?  I guess if you are really curious about the game you'll have to come on over :)

It's a simple game and can be easily won with a few simple questions (does your face have hair? glasses? a beard? a black shirt?).  But it does say "ages six and up" so I want to give the girls the benefit of the doubt.  

Because when the girls play it gets pretty hilarious.

Lydia starts: Does yours have longish hair or shortish hair?
Julianna replies:  Pretty much medium hair.
Lydia seems satisfied with the answer and starts flipping tiles.  [I have played many a game of Guess Who? and I have no idea how she can take an answer like that and know which tiles to flip down.]

Julianna asks: What color is the hair on yours?
Lydia answers: Purplish black.
Julianna: Ok.  (and starts flipping down tiles)

Back to Lydia's turn.  She asks: Does yours have red eyes?
Julianna responds: No, more like a different color than red.
With that answer Lydia flips down some more tiles.  [For the record, the eyes on some of the faces do look pretty freaky, so I'm not surprised she describes them as red.]

And it continues like that, until one of them only has one tile standing.  And she shows her sister.... "is this your face?"

And, almost always, the sister gives a confused look and says "NO". 

Which is when I bite my tongue, refrain from suggesting possible (simpler) questions, and say "why don't you just play again?"

And, YES, today is Tuesday and we voted :) First time in ten years I have walked into a polling place (no need for an absentee ballot this year!)


Mom/Grandmama said...

I chuckled out loud reading your description of how the girls eliminate tiles! We look forward to playing games with Julianna and Lydia when you get here. Love you all bunches, Grandmama

Paul said...

how well I remember playing games with somewhat loose and alternate rules.


Jaci said...

LOL!!! Oh my thank you for the laughs!! and you will be so glad to have recorded this dialog for years to come!!!!!! TOOOOOOO cUte!!!!!

kkvernen said...

Kaelynn has loved Guess Who for a while now. They should play together sometime. I bet with the three of them they could come up with some interesting descriptions.

We'd love to have you guys down this Sunday and yes Kaelynn can wear her dress again! It will be adorable!