Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Oh wow, where do we start?  Our first Thanksgiving in the States since 2003!  We were back at my Grandmother's, where I spent every Thanksgiving of my childhood.

On the same farm where I saw many a newborn baby calf (and my girls saw one today - all white and wobbly-kneed and just a few hours old). 

But this year was not like the ones from my childhood in that I am no longer a little girl dancing on the porch with my cousins, but part of the 'ladies' responsible for getting dinner on the table.  Those years don't seem so long ago, but I now have children of my own, sometimes dancing on the porch, sometimes helping in the kitchen.... like this little firecracker, who keeps me hopping and keeps me laughing.

We ate like kings, then turned to the task of Christmas tree decorating.  Kudos to Matt who produced a beautifully lighted Christmas tree in spite of several small challenges (like the little man below!)

Making the tree extra special this year is the fact that my 91 year old Grandmother can see it through the sliding glass door that separates her bedroom from the sunporch.

When the night got long Isaac chose to read a book with his newest buddy, my cousin Kate, who is fast becoming a favorite with my little ladies as well.   

And on the way home tonight (Friday) we stopped at a family favorite, Blue Mist Bar-B-Q, for a plate of food that has not changed a lick since the place opened 62 years ago.  The kids apparently inherited my love of hush puppies :)

It was a GREAT Thanksgiving!


Julie Redfern said...

Yeah for hush puppies!! My kids loved Kate reading to them too!

Jaci said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend!! So glad that it was GREAT!

Love the pictures and even though we have not spent much time together in person...I LOVE your family. You are all very dear to me and I am so glad to know you!!