Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the NC zoo

Today we joined my mom and dad and my cousin Kate and visited the NC zoo.  It was really cool!  My favorite exhibit was the seals/sea lions/polar bear set up that had underwater viewing areas.  The sea lions would swim right past us.  It was fascinating.  The gorillas were also amazing - the huge daddy gorilla just hung out right by the viewing glass and looked really intimidating :) 

I think zoos that are 'done well' are some of the coolest places to visit.  [I've also been to a few zoos that make my stomach turn and seem like really ucky places for any animal to call home.]  

After we walked as many miles as our (little) feet possibly could we loaded back in the car and headed to my Grandmother's house, and we'll be here through Thanksgiving.

Unfortunately, the internet is running slow and photo upload isn't working so great... maybe that's good news for you, you'll be spared a photo play-by-play of our entire day :)  The kids were wiped out after our full day and I'm headed that direction.  Taking a troop of little people to the zoo is a work out! 

Oh, and one other reason to head to bed early?  This little guy is NOT a happy camper.  He's battling a fever and I'm thinking we'll be up in the night with him.   The look on his face pretty much says it all. 


Jaci said...

Okay...LOVE the glasses look!!!! :)

Hope your little man is feeling better soon!

Chris, Leah, Austin, Bennett and Lucy said...

we were at NC zoo this summer. I also love the polar bear exhibit (though by the time we got there everyone was very tired- we started in Africa). Hope you enjoy your NC time. Maybe I can figure out the time better to call you now that you are on East Coast.

Anonymous said...

I happen to enjoy the photo play by play! :) I'm glad you are enjoying the time in the warmer weather. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of those who are not out in non-freezing weather!

Have a great Thanksgiving!


JBC said...

I love the consternation look in the eyebrows and the old tongue grab trick :). Hope you got a better night sleep than you were expecting! The glasses look fantastic.