Saturday, March 29, 2014


So fun to have my parents here - there are getting used to our cold temps and enjoying their grandchildren :) 

The girls had a day off of school (yay!) but John Paul was at speech bright and early this morning.  He's so proud of his 'speech school' and it was a treat for him to show it to his Grandaddy (and namesake).

Last night Matt and I went on a date and then again this morning I left the kiddos with Mom and Dad for a bit.  Live-in child care has its perks :) 

[tent building this morning, kids still in pjs. nice!]

And then after a fun afternoon at the pool it was off to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner.  After the meal we introduced my parents to the extremely complicated game of Spoons (not!).  

If you don't have a game that delights everyone from toddlers to the grandparent generation, I highly commend Spoons.  It never fails to entertain.    

A room full of people you love and enjoy does help :)  

1 comment:

Grandma Jan said...

Fun to see the spoons game. We look way too serious though. I guess the pictures were taken just before the grabbing of the spoons riot. Love you Laura. Jan