Friday, January 4, 2013

if you were a fly on the wall....

at our house, these are a few of the things you just might here or see.


Me: John Paul smells like strawberries.
Isaac: That's because I put chopstick in his hair.  Real chopstick.  Really, I did! 

(He means chap stick but says chopstick and this is one of those language mistakes that I don't correct, because all too soon he'll be leaving for college and I'll get teary remembering the time he put strawberry "chopstick" in his brother's hair.)


While we were putting away Christmas ornaments...

Me: Why don't you first pass the fragile ones to me and I'll wrap them up carefully.
Lydia: I know this one is fragile because it's already broken.


While listening to Go Tell it on the Mountain at top volume and dancing around the living room......

Me: Okay everybody, find a high mountain you can climb and we'll sing it again.
Lydia: Look at me Mom, I can almost touch the ceiling.


Meet Isaac and BeiBei [world's newest police tiger].


Someone in our home performs something almost every day.  Julianna LOVES to dance and organize shows.  On this particular day Isaac ran security (see him with police tiger above), Lydia was on ticket sales.  The notes taped to the mirror are Julianna's dance cues..... choreographed it herself :)


You'd also hear a fair bit of  "where's Luke? Does anyone know where Luke is?" - little guy does not keep still and manages to get into the strangest places.  Several times throughout the day I "loose" him and we have to launch a search party. 

I love this picture (from Christmas Day) because it is "so Luke" right now - in the thick of things, plowing through the chaos on floor level, not deterred by any obstacle in his way.  Look closely, you'll see all six of us (me and the kids) are represented in this photo - that's Lydia's foot in the lower left corner.

If you were a fly on the wall....

We laugh, we cry.  We argue, we encourage.  We put chap stick in our little brother's hair.  On the whole, I'd like to think we entertain our flies well. 


Erin said...

i heart this post and your family.

Julie Redfern said...

Love it! You would hear some crazy stuff here too! I'm pretty sure my parents call just to hear the stuff the kids say or that I say to the kids.

Lauren said...

I recognize that little police car on your guizi! It looks like you have moved things around! I love all the pictures, Laura! Miss y'all! Lauren

Mom said...

What wonderful chaos (although I'm sure there are plenty of times "wonderful" is not the word you would use, but oh so many others where you would!) We love you and miss you!