Wednesday, July 6, 2011

snack time at childcare

The girls are in a stage where they play with dolls a LOT.  And let me tell you, taking care of their babies is a big job :)  One day I was playing with them and they were busy changing baby clothes and I asked them who did all the laundry. They looked up at me with surprised expressions on their faces.  I guess that's one good thing about baby dolls versus the real deal - less laundry :) 

Although they've both been known to toss baby doll clothes in the dirty clothes basket for me to wash (in their defense, there are times a good washing is needed for some of their babies often-worn apparel) and Julianna once asked me if I could iron the ribbons on her baby's dress so that the bow would look prettier.  [I ironed.]

The other day the girls (I mean, mommies) were dropping their kids off at childcare (that's me, childcare boss) so they could "go listen to the sermon".  I had my customers all lined up eating snack waiting for their mommies to come pick them up. 

Isaac is definitely not afraid of toting a doll around (or using the same doll to knock his sister on the head).  But he's not one to really engage with this kind of play.  So what's a little brother to do? 

He announced he was the "child care cooker man" and set about getting things ready.  He prepped hot dogs.  Nice choice, bud. 

He is such a funny little guy and really delightful company (although I do weary of the hours spent on the floor playing cars with him... but then I remember how fleeting these years are and what a treasure it is to spend my days sitting on carpet pushing construction trucks around, take a deep breath and keep on going!) 

Two funny things he's been up to recently (recording this so years from now when my memory is shot - maybe it is already? - I can tell him stories of his two year old antics).  One, he almost universally refers to Lydia using the nickname "Lyds byds" (Matt sometimes calls her Lydia Bydia).  I love hearing him say (setting the table) "this is the bowl for Lyds Byds" or (as we walk towards the girls' school gate) "I'll go pick up Julianna and you can get Lyds Byds".

Speaking of Lyds Byds, she talks birthday all. the. time.  I guess I've used the phrase "it's coming right up" (August 15th, for those of you who are not part of the daily - no, hourly - countdown).  So Isaac knows Lydia's birthday is soon, and his is not-so-soon. 

And now he says "Lyds Byds birthday is coming up.  My birthday is coming down."  Once I asked, "what does that mean, buddy, that your birthday is coming down?"  "I'm just pretending" he said. 

Matt called earlier from Hong Kong.  He sounded chipper but must be running on adrenaline because he didn't get to a hotel until 1am, was up and going by 6, crossed the border into HK and got to the visa office via FIVE different subway lines :)  He found and booked a guest house for tonight, goes back to the visa office Thursday morning, crosses the border, back to the airport and home around 7 or 8 pm (with no flight delays).  Friday starts a HUGE summer event that he's spent weeks planning.  He'll be in and out of town for the next three weeks. whoa. 

Hello July. 


Anonymous said...

Fun pictures! I miss my four favorite people in the world. Wish I was getting home for supper right now. Instead I'm checked into a recommended guesthouse here in Hong Kong. Room is about 13 square meters. The A/C works and there is wireless. I am set. love, Matt/Daddy

Anonymous said...

miscalculated .. 5 square meters.

Mom/Grandmama said...

Loved this post - the dolls all lined up getting snack and the cooker man making hotdogs - what fun times you are recording for us now and for the children to enjoy later when they are older! We love you all bunches!

JBC said...

If anyone wants to send snacks internationally we love hot dogs too :)!

Grandma Jan said...

Love it, love it. the pdictures are priceless. Glad the daycare Hellers and cooker man get along so well. We are praying for you all and thanks for the precious post. What a gift to us. Love, Jan

Grandma Jan said...

Sorry about the misspelled words.

The Huffmans said...

praying for all your paperwork issues to be resolved quickly and for you as you'll be single parent for lots of july. wish we were there to eat NC BBQ with you on the 4th!

Julie Redfern said...

Will would love to help Isaac be the cooker man! And hotdogs are right up his alley. Fun stuff!!

Anonymous said...

Not only is the blog a benefit to us, extended family, but to you when your grandkids ask, "what was Daddy, Mommy like..." What a gift of technology as, trust me, memory does cloud, rose color if not fail.
Love & prayers,